reveriepage: One Collagist’s Coloring Book Is Empowering Black Women

by: Cassell Ferere

A Manchester, UK based multi-hyphenate artist with exhibits worldwide and author of a new coloring book is empowering Black women as well as children.
Born and raised on the island of Bermuda, collagist and painter Gherdai Hassell has had a more than colorful life.
She grew up exposed to the natural beauty of her home island and with encouragement from her mom, she uses those colors to express her world view.
Hassell states.

Hassell saw her craft as an outlet to tell a narrative untold, in a light that has yet to shine.
She created her world with these cutout dolls, creating Black women in illustrious clothing. “They seemed more interesting to me than dolls because I could make them look like whatever I wanted. I had free creative reign.”
Today, Gherdai Hassell has expanded her view onto the canvas for all to see. Hassell’s art is a cubist depiction, colorful collage of opulent Black children, men, families, and particularly women, as seen on the cover of her My Alibii coloring book.

Hassell recognizes her influence with her art and the power fashion and style of dress have in historical imagery. “It’s such a huge part of the culture and our way of life. Just like music, and visual art, fashion is a staple of who we are, where we’ve been, and where we are going as people.”
Painting style into her work has become intrinsic for Hassell and her artistic expression stating, “fashion allows us to express creatively who we are, inwardly, outwardly.”

Hassell spoke on the importance of empowering black women, men, and children through her coloring book and artworks, “How we are represented in [imagery] reinforces beliefs about ourselves.”
She continued, “If we see ourselves painted in a good light, it changes the narrative inwardly, and then outwardly. For so long, black people have had their stories told from other people’s perspectives or not at all…”

“It feels paradoxical to the time we are in,” Hassell makes of the pandemic. She found this time to be most nurturing for someone like herself. Taking advantage of the social distance and capitalizing on the visibility tech has provided.

What’s important to Hassell, is the freedom of expression, the liberating feeling in telling a story through one’s eyes.
An unfamiliar pair of eyes, nonetheless, has invigorated the spirit of Black women, and Hassell’s expressive qualities are evident in the fashion of the characters she creates.
Gherdai Hassell hasn’t started coloring outside the lines of her childhood just yet. Her adulthood has been the extension of her innocence, and her creativity has displayed her growth as a person.
“I’m still doing child-like things,” Hassell explains in adoration of her craft. “That’s what’s so fun about my practice.”
Click here to get your copy of the coloring book empowering Black women and children